Animal Cruelty

North Carolina animal abuse reports           TIME LINE
    2000                2001                2002                2003                     2004   
10 reports:           12 reports:        39 reports:       41 reports:          37 reports:
neglect and         neglect and      neglect and       neglect and       neglect and
fighting(2)         mutilation and    unclassifed(7)    fighting(4)       fighting(5)
bestiality(1)          torture(2)          fighting(5)       unclassifed(4)  shooting(3)  
vehicular(1)          hoarding(2)        hoarding(2)      beating(3)        stabbing(1)
beating(1)            burning(1)          beating(2)        throwing(3)      choking/ 
burning(1)    kicking/stomping(1)    burning(2)       torture(3)   strangulation/  
                         beating(1)         shooting(2)           burning(2)  suffocation(1)
                        shooting(1)  choking/strangulation  poisining(2)     hoarding(1)
                            fighting(1)      and suffocation(1)    hoarding(2) vehicular(1)
                                                      torture(1)             other(1)    unlawful-
                                                       other(2)            hanging(1)  hunting(1)
                                                                       and suffocation(1)